At last, a dim perception of Crisis!

Good morning. At last, the psychotics and pinheads who cause oil prices to fluctuate meaninglessly have responded to a geopolitical crisis!

The fact that the more or less same crowd has gold down $20 at the moment, however, would suggest their epiphany has nothing to do with brains. It is the first time 'investors' have shown even a faint sign of worry since March 2020, when they hit stocks for a few short months after failing to realize that the covid hoax, along with a few years of lousy corporate earnings, would be great for equity shares and home prices. To find an instance when they were so worried about the world that even gold’s price rose, you'd need to go back to the summer of 1968, when Russian tanks rolled into Czechoslovakia.

Incidentally. December Gold, currently at 2672.70, looks like it will correct down to 2653.20 before this gratuitous shakedown has run its course. I’ve elaborated on this with a chart posted under ‘Rick’s Picks’.

Rick Ackerman